New Activity Group- Proposal

Starting a New Activity Group
Do you and your friends have a great idea with sufficient interest to propose a new GWSA Activity Group, along with the leadership and motivation to make things happen?
If so, the GWSA welcomes proposals from those who want to help members “be active, get involved, and make friends.” Leading a group is a fulfilling way to share your life experience, skills and talents while giving back to community.
The GWSA provides the opportunity for Activity Groups to meet the needs of seniors according to its Mission, Vision, and Values. We are committed to a future that is progressive, accountable and innovative in providing services to the Older Adult community. Our Mission is to empower Older Adults to be active, to be involved and to age successfully.
GWSA Policies apply equally to all Activity Groups, including those who call themselves, or are known as “Clubs”.
Applications for new Activity Groups are reviewed by the GWSA Program Committee, which recommends viable new Activity Groups to the Board of Directors for final approval. The Board offers as many Activity Groups as possible within the available resources.
How to Apply
For consistency, all groups operate under the GWSA By-Law and Polices, with oversight of the GWSA Program Committee. The Committee provides a Group Leader’s manual and meets regularly with Activity Group Leaders.
While most groups operate at the Evergreen Centre, other sites are used, and we have groups which meet outdoors and virtually.
If you are interested in starting a new Activity Group with the GWSA, simply complete the fillable form provided below then click ‘submit application’. If you require a printed form instead, use the links at the end and drop off or email to the Activity Group Chair
The Recreation Coordinator and the Program Committee can help with the application process as needed, and will consider the Activity Group Proposal and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Once a proposal is approved by the Board, the group will need to establish an Executive with two or more members such as president, secretary, treasurer. You will also need to establish a budget and determine any participation fees in consultation with the GWSA Financial Administrator to cover operating expenses.
- Determine the theme or name for the group
- Consider who will lead the group and who will keep records
- Note any names and contact information of those who will help you start, or how additional participants will be sourced
- Consider location, space requirements, furniture, and any equipment needs, and if there will be a virtual component
- Weigh any risks to participate, including any cautions or needed accommodations
- Estimate startup and recurring expenses and what participation fee would be suitable
- The easiest way is to to complete and submit the online form below. Otherwise, printable forms are available at the bottom of the page.