About Us
Monday | 10:30 – 12:00 |
Season: September to June
Johanna Van Boxtel – 416.579.7143
Volleyball is a sport for fun and energetic people advocating fair play, teamwork and promoting friendships. This active sport provides exercise for the body, mind and spirit. Rules of fair play are documented and widely adhered to by all. Social activities and friendships are key ingredients to the long-lasting success of our club.
Indoor athletic shoes are the only equipment required. Please have some mobility coupled with some hand/eye co-ordination.
All GWSA members who are active and looking for exercise are welcome to join us for “fun” and/or “serious” games.
Membership in this Volleyball Club is $60 and is available to anyone who is a member of the Guelph Wellington Seniors Association.
We play at the West End Community Centre on Monday starting at 10:30am – 12:00 pm.
Members are informed regularly of changes to our schedule but the front desk of the West End (519 837 5620) know of daily changes and cancellations and are happy to tell you if you ask.