External Resources

Linkages to Other Websites

The GWSA website contains linkages to other websites, each with their own privacy policies and offers. We encourage you to read other websites’ privacy policies, especially if you choose to share any personal information. Links for third-party Web sites are meant for convenience only. No endorsement of any third party’s products or services is expressed or implied by any information, material or content referred to or included on or linked from or to the Site. See Terms of Use…


The City of Guelph: The City of Guelph offers excellent recreational, social and educational courses or programs at the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre for individuals living in Guelph and the surrounding areas. Register for programs and courses at http://recenroll.ca.

  • Fee Assistance in Recreation (FAIR) — The FAIR Program provides everyone the opportunity to participate in recreation programs.
  • Age Friendly Guelph —The City of Guelph has adopted an Older  to create an age-friendly community that supports older adults to live in security, maintain their health and participate fully in society.
  • Guelph Transit — Up to date information on route changes, closures and traffic problems.
  • Affordable Bus Pass — Following a successful pilot period, the City of Guelph made its Affordable Bus Pass program permanent. Adults, youths and seniors living in low-income households are encouraged to apply.
  • Guelph Hydro: Download an information sheet with information on how to save money by conserving energy in a number of straightforward ways. There is also a link for a Home Assistance Program that benefits low-income residents of Guelph with hydro bills, etc.

Transportation Resources

  • Go Transit – Check transit schedules and make reservations
  • Via Rail Canada – Check train schedules and make reservations

Guelph and Area Resources

Local Medical and Mental Health Resources

Government Resources

Celebrating Milestones

You can request a congratulatory message if you or a senior in your life is marking a milestone occasion.

Get information about requesting a message from:

  • His Majesty The King – for Canadians celebrating birthdays of 100 years or more and for couples celebrating wedding anniversaries of 60 years or more (at five-year intervals)
  • the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario – for Ontarians celebrating birthdays of 90 years or more and for couples celebrating wedding anniversaries of 50 years or more.
  • the Prime Minister of Canada – congratulatory certificates are available for Canadians celebrating birthdays of 65 years or more (at five-year intervals), 100th birthdays and up (yearly), and for couples celebrating wedding anniversaries of 25 years of more (at five-year intervals).
  • the Premier of Ontario – for Ontarians celebrating birthdays of 80 years or more and for couples celebrating anniversaries of 40 years or more.

You can also contact your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) or Member of Parliament (MP) for a variety of occasions.

Awards for Seniors

Ontario Senior Achievement Awards

This award recognizes individuals for significant contributions to their communities after the age of 65. Up to 20 individuals are recognized each year. The application deadline is June 15.

Ontario Senior of the Year Award

This award is given by a municipality to recognize an outstanding senior who, after age 65, enriches the social, cultural or civic life of the community.

Thie provincial site below provides additional details on the above awards. Note that you cannot open the application forms directly on the government site.  Instead, right click on “Get the *name* form”/copy link address), then launch your Adobe Acrobat Reader. In Acrobat, select file/open and paste (CTRL c) into the space for ‘file name’.


Local Media Resources

Other Seniors Resources

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