

If you are looking to play golf with fun-loving golfers, then the GWSA Golf group is the place for you. Membership in the group provides an opportunity to play non-competitive golf at a variety of local courses at a discounted rate. The GWSA Golf Group plays every Monday from the middle of May through to the last Monday of September. The golf season for our group concludes with a nine hole scramble and luncheon at Guelph Lakes.

This is an all-inclusive club for seniors with many lady members, some husband and wife teams, some golfers that play nine holes and others that play eighteen. If you are a beginner, an average duffer or better golfer, you will enjoy the relaxed and fun atmosphere of this club.


Why not check out our Golf Group photo album

CTV news from Kitchener joined the GWSA golfers at their early in scramble a year ago and highlighted us in the In Your Backyard feature. Here are the links in case you missed it:

Join Us

Meeting day: Mondays, May to September 

Club Contact:

Tom Kane   519.827.1475

All you need to do is be a registered member of the Guelph Wellington Seniors Association (GWSA) and pay a modest fee to join the golf group. The fee is $10 + HST.

Contact Information:Email Contact
Group A (18 hole)Tom Kane, Coordinator
Group B (18 Hole)Joanne Pink, Coordinator
Nine HoleDave Halfpenny, Coordinator


Become a Member or Volunteer Today!

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