

About Us

 Evergreen Centre
Sunday 1:30 to 3:30
Tuesday 7:00 to 9:30
Thursday 10:30 to 1:00
Friday 10:30 to 1:00
West End Community Centre
Monday 1:00 to 4:00
Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00


Club Contact:

Please email is using the Contact Email Page

We are a large and very active club with approximately 115 members. We currently play up to 6 times a week at two different locations both with three 3 courts on beautifully sprung gymnasium hardwood floors.

Our play locations are:

    • Evergreen Centre (683 Woolwich Street)
    • West End Community Centre (21 Imperial Road, S.) except during July and August when the WECC is not available.

Most of our members are likely to have played in the past, but our skill level ranges can be from novice to experienced. We recommend you plan a visit to watch us play and talk to our members before you apply to join.

Application can be made online through the City of Guelph using their RecEnroll system at or directly at the Evergreen Centre.

We typically hold several coaching clinics as well as some fun tournaments during our season which runs from April 1st to March 31st. We also support other in-house club sports and social activities such as potluck and Christmas gatherings. as current circumstances allow.

If this sounds like a fit for you, all you need are dedicated indoor court shoes, proper gym attire, a racket, and a smile to participate.

Members are informed regularly of changes to our schedule. You are also welcome to contact the City of Guelph recreation department can be contacted at 519.837.5699 for daily changes.


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