The Sentinel- GWSA's Monthly Newsletter


 The Sentinel is normally published 10 times during the year. A free printed edition of the Sentinel is one of the benefits of being a member of the GWSA.   

Normally, the Sentinel is available at the front desk in the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre on the last Thursday of each month, except June and July.  The December Issue is also distributed early because of the Christmas Holidays. Arrangements can be made to have the Sentinel delivered or mailed to you for a small additional charge to your membership fee.

Aside from this website, the Sentinel is your best and most immediate source of information about ongoing activities and news about the GWSA. It is also a means of sharing comments and observations.

The Sentinel’s email address is 

The voice number is 519-265-7722 x 68304

Historical versions of The Sentinel are available online. You can also find the current issue on the website home page.


The Sentinel



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