Trips, Travel and Tours

Watch this Page for the Latest from GWSA Trips, Travel, and Tours!
Click links located to right of each trip for all the details.
Register through the Evergreen Centre or through RecEnroll online!
Upcoming Trips
Orangeville Theatre | Wednesday, October 23rd | CANCELLED |
“First Light” in Midland | Thursday, Nov 21st | Trip Details |
Mystery Trip | Thursday, Dec 12th | Trip Details |
Masks (effective June 11, 2022):
- Provincial mandates have been lifted for most public settings.
- Masks are still recommended for public transit and health-care facilities.
- Individual organizations and businesses continue to have authority to keep requirements in place.
- You should also continue to wear a tight-fitting well-constructed mask if you feel it is right for you; if you are at high risk for severe illness; if you recovering from or have symptoms of COVID-19, or are a close contact with someone who has COVID-19.