Craft Group

About Us
Evergreen Room 2
Fridays – 8:30 am-1:30 pm
Come and join us for a great time!
We are a group of about 37 and there are typically around 30 each week.
We laugh and talk while we knit, sew, embroider and crochet. If you have a craft that you like to do or would like to try, please join us for the adventure. Coffee and tea are served as well.
Our creations are sold at The Treasure Chest inside the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre to raise money for various seniors programs.
Newcomers and new craft ideas are always welcome.

Join Us
Meeting day: Fridays
Time: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Location: Room 2
Club Contact: Judy Montgomery 519-824-8047